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Home and Classroom Experiences of Young Children

Young children develop their cognitive and academic skills in multiple developmental contexts, especially their home and classroom. These environments are multi-faceted and interacted with other factors in influencing children’s development and learning. We have inquired the importance of home and classroom learning environments and how the learning environments are shaped by outside factors. The project is supported by University of Utah Faculty Research Grant.
Recent Works
Son, S. C., Opatz, M. O., & Rush, E. D. (2023). An engagement-focused framework for evaluating storybooks for young children’s science vocabulary learning
Son, S. C., Baroody, A. E., & Opatz, M. O. (2023). Measuring preschool children’s engagement behaviors during classroom shared reading: Construct and concurrent validity of the Shared Reading Engagement Rating Scale. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64(3), 47-60.
Son, S. C. & Hur, J. (2020). Parental math talk during home cooking and math skills in Head Start children: The role of task management talk. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 34(3), 406-426.
Son, S. C., & Peterson, M. F. (2017). Marital status, home environments, and family resources: Complex effects on preschool children’s school readiness skills. Infant and Child Development, 26(2), e1967.