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Digital Literacy

Young children are increasingly exposed to technologies and digitized educational materials. We have characterized multimedia technologies to support early reading, STEM vocabulary, and concept learning, and investigated the impact of using multimedia digital storybooks and apps on reading and literacy. The current project on multimedia reading has been supported by the University of Utah Faculty Research Grant, and Learning Educational Advances in Research and New Technologies (LEARNT) Award, and received Dina Feitelson Research Award by the International Literacy Association.
Recent Works
Son, S. C., Butcher, K. R., & Liang, L. A. (2020). The influence of the interactivity of storybook apps on children’s reading comprehension and story enjoyment. Elementary School Journal, 120(3), 422-454.
Son, S. C., Butcher, K. R., & Liang, L. A. (2022, April). Using Multimedia Storybooks with Head Start Children: An Experimental Study of Interactive Features [Paper session]. American Educational Research Association annual meeting. San Diego, CA.
Son, S. C., Butcher, K. R., & Liang, L. A. (2021, April 7-9). The Impact of Using Electronic Storybooks with Story-Relevant Versus Story-Irrelevant Features Among Head Start Children [Poster session]. Society for Research in Child Development 2021 Virtual Biennial Meeting.