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School Psychology

The interdisciplinary Implementing a Culturally Responsive and Collaborative Interdisciplinary School Mental Health Training Program is now accepting applications. Interested students can learn more by visiting the Culturally Responsive and Collaborative Interdisciplinary School Mental Health page. Culturally Responsive and Collaborative Interdisciplinary School Mental health Program 

***Training Grants and Assistantship Opportunities - click here for info...

About the School Psychology Program:

The School Psychology Program at the University of Utah offers both Educational Specialist and Doctoral degree programs. The doctoral program is accredited by the Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association, 750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, Phone: (202) 336-5979, E-mail:  apaaccred@apa.orgWeb:; and approved by the National Association of School Psychologists. The Educational Specialist program is fully approved/nationally recognized by the National Association of School Psychologists. Doctoral and Educational Specialist students also have opportunities to attain credentialing as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).  Program faculty have diverse research and teaching interests in the following evidence-based practices:

  • Behavioral Assessment and Treatment
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Neuropsychological assessment
  • Early childhood intervention
  • Developmental disabilities
  • School-wide behavior supports
  • Consultation
  • Social skills
  • Diversity issues
  • Parent training
  • School-based mental health
  • Telehealth
  • Pediatric feeding disorders

Program faculty are involved in several applied clinical and research projects. Focused training and experience in the assessment and treatment of students with disabilities, as well as behavioral supports for schools is available.

The Educational Specialist degree is designed to prepare qualified and effective psychologists who will practice in schools or school-related settings. The program requires 73 semester hours for the degree which includes a 1,500-hour supervised internship. Upon completing the program, students meet Utah State Licensing Standards, as well as certification requirements for most other states. The Doctoral degree is designed to prepare psychologists who will practice in schools and other human serivce settings including:

  • clinics
  • health centers
  • hospitals
  • research and academic settings
  • and mental health agencies

The doctoral program adheres to a scientist-practitioner model of graduate education and requires a total of 108 semester hours of coursework, which includes a 2,000-hour internship in school psychology.
The School Psychology Program also offers a BCBA Specialization track.  This specialized track is not mutually exclusive and it is intended to offer specialist and doctoral students additional training, elective courses, and other specialized practica and internship experiences enabling them to acquire specific skills in applied behavior analsyis.  Specialization in the BCBA track does not replace other requirements for the specialist and doctoral degrees and should not significantly increase a student's overall hours in the program.

Read our Fall 2022 Student Newsletter to learn more! 


Nondiscrimination & Accessibility Statement

The University of Utah is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal accessibility with regard to all students and potential students. In addition, the School Psychology program prioritizes the recruitment and retention of students who are diverse in numerous areas, including age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, ability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, and a variety of life experiences and skills.


School Psychology Information Sessions

These informational sessions will provide you with important information about our Ph.D. Program in School Psychology. What professionals in these careers do, the job outlook, program requirements, admissions requirements, and the admissions process.

Information sessions for the School Psychology Program will be held using the on-line Zoom videoconferencing platform.  You will need a computer (or similar device) with audio/video capability and the ability to download/install the Zoom software. For more information, email the Director, Dr. Keith Radley:

Upcoming SLC Info-Session Dates

Dates to be announced

Links for Zoom information sessions may be obtained through email request to Dr. Radley (


Time to Completion
Program Costs

EdS and PhD Outcomes-NASP Graduate Program Database

Preparing Future Utah School Psychologists Grant


Related Websites

Department of Educational Psychology 

College of Education

University of Utah

Last Updated: 7/25/24