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Evidence Based Training for SED/BD

*This grant is currently not funded but examples of the work are available for your information*

Project Title:
Tough Kids: Training School Psychologists to be Experts in Evidence Based Practices for Tertiary Students with Serious Emotional Disturbance/Behavior Disorders (SED/BD)

This project trains eight University of Utah masters levels graduate students in School Psychology per year to provide evidenced based practices for tertiary level students with SED/BD. These students are referred as tertiary because they present the most resistant outcomes to school wide and at risk target interventions. Although required by law (i.e., NCLB and IDEA) and job demands to serve students with high incidence disabilities, research at the University of Utah has shown that a limited number of school psychologists have specific training in performing evidence based practices such as behavior/academic interventions, response to interventions applications, functional behavior assessments and designing effective classroom and home based positive behavioral supports for extremely disruptive tertiary students with behaviorally disordered and emotionally disturbance. Extremely disruptive high incidence behavior disorders also contribute to more teachers leaving the field of teaching in the first two years than almost any other variable in Utah.

Students selected for this program undergo extensive training emphasizing EBP interventions for tertiary SED/BD students and their families. Students participate in a Specialized EBP Seminar for SED/BD students. In addition students complete an intensive practicum experience including placement in a SED/BD classroom, social skills training practicum and a parent training practicum. Students also receive extensive training in PBS techniques, Functional Behavior Assessment, and Response to Intervention for academic and behavior problems. Students also provide a scholarly review monograph on one type of EBP intervention and develop an EBP manual on one intervention that can be used by educators in their settings.

For more information about Tough Kid book series , please visit the Tough Kids website >>

Evidence Based Standards

Effective Psychosocial Interventions for Youth with Behavioral and Emotional Problems

Research in Special Education: Scientific Methods and Evidence-Based Practice

Prevention and Intervention with Young Children’s Challenging Behavior: Perspectives Regarding Current Knowledge

History- EBP Movement

Identifying and Implementing Educational Practices Supported by Rigorous Evidence: A User Friendly Guide

Evidence Based Practice in Psychology

Special Education and Related Services: What Have We Learned From Meta-Analysis?

Promoting Evidence-Based Interventions in School Psychology

Evidence Based Psychosocial Treatments for Children and Adolescents: A Ten Year Update

NASP's Position Statement on Prevention and Intervention Research in the Schools

Evidence Based Practices for Specific Disabilities


Anxiety Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Interventions


Conduct Disorder


Group Contingencies

Firesetting Interventions


Homework Interventions

School Refusal

Selective Mutism

Social Skills Training

Substance Abuse

APA Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice: A Ten-Year Update

Evidence-Based Treatment & Practice

Evidence-Based Intervention Manuals

Academic Drill Rehearsal Using an IPod

Group Contingencies - the Behavior Buffet

Individual - Classwide Contingencies - Yes and No Program

Mystery Motivators

Self Modeling Intervention

Self Relaxation - Force Field Intervention

Principals 200 Club

Temper Taming


Intervention In a Flash

Desk Buddies Product

Radical Raceway

Meditation Station

Step Up to Good Behavior

Restraint and Seclusion

Break It Up: A Teacher's Guide to Managing Student Aggression

Managing Acting-Out Behaviors

The Mandt System

The Good Behavior Game - Safety Care

Evaluation: Safety Care Behavioral Crisis Prevention & Management Training

Seclusion & Restraint - Oregon Intervention System (OIS)

Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children

The Use of Single-Subject Research to Identify Evidence Based Practice in Special Education

Last Updated: 9/15/21