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Course Requirements

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EdS Requirements:

Click here to jump to Doctoral Requirements

The curriculum is designed so that students can fulfill the Education Specialists program requirements in school psychology after three years of full-time coursework, and one year of internship.

Psychological Foundations (9 hours)

EDPS 6050 - Lifespan Development: Child & Adolescent (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 6510/7510 - Cognition, Learning & Behavior (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 6450 - Child & Adolescent Psychopathology (required; 3 hours)

Research Design, & Statistics (3 hours)

EDPS 6010 - Introductory Statistics and Research Design (required; 3 hours)

EdS Thesis/Research (minimum of 6 hours)

EDPS 6970 - Thesis (6 hours)


EDPS 7732 - Research Practica (6 hours)

Educational Foundations ( minimum of 3 hours)

SPED 6040 - Legal and Policy Issues Spec Ed (required; 3 hours)

Psychoeducational Assessment (minimum of 12 hours)

EDPS 7130 - Cognitive Assessment (required; 3 hours)

EPDS 7150 - Individual Child & Adolescent Assessment (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 6140 - Multicultural Assessment (required or equivalent; 3 hours)


EDPS 7190 - Applied Neuropsychological Assessment (Prerequisite: 3 hour graduate course in neuropsychology)

EDPS 7180 - Personality Assessment (3 hours)

Intervention Strategies (12 hours)

EDPS 6390 - Interventions in the Schools (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 6470 - Psychological & Educational Consultation (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 6110 - Child/Family Psychotherapy/Counseling Interventions (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 6380 - Academic Assessment and Interventions for Students with Learning Difficulties (required; 3 hours)

Other Relevant Interventions Courses:

EDPS 6360 - Multicultural Counseling (elective; 3 hours)

EDPS 6200 - Counseling Theories and Procedures (elective; 3 hours)

EDPS 6210 - Counseling Skills (elective; 3 hours)

EDPS 7250 - Family Counseling for School-based Problems (elective; 3 hours)

Professional School Psychology (26 hours)

EDPS 6100 - Professional Issues and Ethics in School Psychology (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 6831 - Seminar in School Psychology-Ped Neuropsychology
EDPS 6836 - Autism (required; 3 hours) 

EDPS 7730 - Practicum in School Psychology, Clinic (required; 4 hours)

EDPS 7731 - Practicum in School Psychology, Field (required; 6 hours)

EDPS 7910 - Internship in School Psychology (required; 12 hours)

Doctoral Requirements:

Jump up to Master's Requirements

The curriculum is designed so that students can complete the doctoral program requirements after approximately five years of graduate study beyond the baccalaureate degree. The five years includes a full year of internship (i.e., a 2000 clock-hour internship).

Scientific and Professional Standards and EThics (6 Hours)

EDPS 7100 - Professional Issues and Ethics in School Psychology (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7080 - History & Systems of Psychology (required; 3 hours)

Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior (3 hours)

EDPS 7863 – Cognitive and Affective Basis of Behavior (required; 3 hours)

Social Bases of Behavior (3 hours)

EDPS 7550 - Soc Psych of Human Diversity (suggested; 3 hours)

or Elective in Social Psychology AND Coursework in Diversity.

Individual Differences (6 hours)

EDPS 7450 - Child & Adolescent Psychopathology (required; 3 horus)

EDPS 7050 - Lifespan Development (required; 3 hours)

Biological Bases of Behavior (3 hours)

EDPS 7160 - Neuropsychological Basis of Behavior (suggested; 3 hours)

or PSY 6700 - Human Neuropsychology (4 hours)

Research Design (3 hours)

EDPS 7400 - Advanced Research Design (suggested; 3 hours)

or EDPS 7410 - Single Subject Research or equivalent (3 hours)

Statistics (9 hours)

EDPS 7010 - Quantitative Methods I: Intro to Inferential Statistics (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7020 - Quantitative Methods II: ANOVA/Multiple Regression (required; 6 hours)

Educational Foundations (3 hours)

SPED 6040 - Legal & Policy Issues Spec Ed (required; 3 hours)

Psychoeducational Assessment (12 hours)

EDPS 7130 - Cognitive Assessment (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7140 - Multicultural Assessment (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7150 - Individual Child & Adolescent Assessment (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7300 - Psychometric Theory (required; 3 hours)

Other Relevant Assessment Courses:

EDPS 7190 - Applied Neuropsychological Assessment (elective; 3 hours)

EDPS 7180 - Personality Assessment (elective; 3 hours)

Intervention Strategies (12 hours)

EDPS 7390 - Interventions in the Schools (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7470 - Consultation and Supervision in Applied Settings (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7110 - Child/Family Psychotherapy/Counseling Interventions (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7380 - Academic Assessment/Interventions for Students with Learning Difficulties (required; 3 hours)

Other Relevant Intervention Courses:

EDPS 6360 - Multicultural Counseling (elective; 3 hours)

EDPS 6200 - Counseling Theories and Procedures (elective; 3 hours)

EDPS 6210 - Counseling Skills (elective; 3 hours)

EDPS 7250 - Family Counseling for School-based Problems (elective; 3 hours)

Professional School Psychology (30 hours)

EDPS 7100 - Professional Issues and Ethics in School Psychology (required; 3 hours)

EDPS 7831 - Seminar in School Psychology -  Ped Neuropsychology OR EDPS 6836-Autism Spectrum Disorders (required; 3hours)

EDPS 7730 - SP Practicum: Clinic (required; 4 hours)

EDPS 7731 - SP Practicum: Field (required; 4 hours)

EDPS 7835 - Research Sem in School Psychology (required; 2 hours)

EDPS 7910 - Internship in School Psychology (required; 16 hours)

Doctoral Dissertation Research (14 hours)

EDPS 7970 - Dissertation (required; 14 hours)


School Psychology Information Sessions

These informational sessions will provide you with important information about our Ph.D. Program in School Psychology. What professionals in these careers do, the job outlook, program requirements, admissions requirements, and the admissions process.

Information sessions for the School Psychology Program will be held using the on-line Zoom videoconferencing platform.  You will need a computer (or similar device) with audio/video capability and the ability to download/install the Zoom software. For more information, email the Director, Dr. Keith Radley:

Upcoming SLC Info-Session Dates

Dates to be announced

Links for Zoom information sessions may be obtained through email request to Dr. Radley (

Last Updated: 7/25/24