The School Psychology Profession

American Psychological Association (APA) - Division 16, School Psychology
School Psychology Information Sessions
These informational sessions will provide you with important information about our Ph.D. Program in School Psychology. What professionals in these careers do, the job outlook, program requirements, admissions requirements, and the admissions process.
Information sessions for the School Psychology Program will be held using the on-line Zoom videoconferencing platform. You will need a computer (or similar device) with audio/video capability and the ability to download/install the Zoom software. For more information, email the Director, Dr. Keith Radley:
Upcoming SLC Info-Session Dates
September 12th at 10:00 AM
October 23rd at 3:00 PM
November 4th at 4:30
Links for Zoom information sessions may be obtained through email request to Dr. Radley