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Drs. Karen Tao and AJ Metz Awarded NSF Grant

Dr. Karen Tao and Dr. A.J. Metz are co-investigators on a grant award from the National Science Foundation entitled, The Lean Canvas for Invention: A Team-Based Framework for Research Development, Mentoring, and Career Readiness

A Project for Research 

Piloting, testing, and validating the effectiveness and feasibility of the Lean Canvas for Invention framework hosted within a course for faculty and students within the College of Engineering at the University of Utah. 

The LCI is a new framework to help research teams think through a key research problem and plan and implement individual and joint research projects that reach beyond traditional scientific literature and experience to include innovation triggers such as patent literature, business reviews, and personal interactions with stakeholders. The LCI framework improves graduate education by: (a) helping students develop their research objectives and critical thinking and develop the skills and knowledge to be successful in their discipline, (b) enhance the quality and effectiveness of peer and faculty mentoring relationships to create a more inclusive and supportive research environment, and (c) facilitate graduate students’ professional competencies, vocational literacy, career identity, workforce readiness, and lifelong career management for a broad range of STEM careers.

The LCI piloted in this project will help train the next generation of skilled STEM professionals.



Last Updated: 8/31/21