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Emily A. Swan, Ph.D.

Emily SwanAssociate Clinical Professor
113 MBH


1998 Ph.D. University of Maryland, Educational Psychology/Reading
1994 M.Ed. University of Utah, Reading
B.S. University of Utah, Elementary Education
B.S. University of Utah, Speech Communication/Marketing

Academic Awards

2004 Utah Governor Olene Walker's Literacy Summit Distinguished Literacy Service Award

2004 Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) Student Choice Award for Teaching, 2003-2004 University of Utah

2002 College of Education's Distinguished Teaching Award, 2001-2002 University of Utah


Dr. Swan's research and teaching interests include: cognitive, motivational and educational aspects of learning and reading; cognitive, motivational, and contextual influences on reading and conceptual learning; and professional development of teachers, grades K-12, in reading comprehension and engagement for student achievement.

Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction, Engaging Classrooms, Lifelong Learners

(CORI) was published in November, 2002 by Guilford Press! This book focuses on how to integrate science or social studies with reading for elementary classroom teachers. The CORI book for secondary or content-area teachers is in the works.

Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) is a research-supported framework for integrating curriculum with instruction and fostering long-term engagement in reading. CORI is a practical model that helps any grade level teacher plan integrated units of instruction based on their won interests and strengths, as well as the state's core curriculum. Comprehension and motivation to learn are at the heart of CORI instruction. If you are looking for ways to engage your students in learning, without "starting from scratch" this workshop and way of organizing your instruction will be a great experience for you! CORI builds on what you already do.

Link to the CORI website at the University of Maryland:

CORI instruction is featured on a PBS Reading Rocket series called Launching Young Readers. CORI instruction is featured in the segment: Reading for Meaning. To find out more, check with your local PBS station for dates the PBS special will be aired in your city. Link to Reading Rockets:

Dr. Swan works with districts and schools all over the country, building CORI classrooms at all grade levels. Currently, Dr. Swan is working with the Salt Lake City School District in grades 3, 4 and 5 classrooms, as well as schools in Southern Utah and in middle schools across Iowa in school reform efforts in science, social studies, and reading. Dr. Swan's interests include increasing CORI classrooms and research from elementary to secondary classrooms. Dr. Swan works closely with Dr. John Guthrie and his colleagues at the University of Maryland in providing professional development and summer workshops and conferences in Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction. For information please email You may also link to the CORI website at the University of Maryland:

Selected Publications:

Books and Book Chapters:
Swan, E. A. (2003). Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction: Engaging classrooms, lifelong learners. NY: Guilford Publications.

Swan, E. A. (2004). Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction in Secondary Classrooms, in T. L. Jetton, & J. A. Dole, (Eds.), Reading Comprehension Best Practice in Secondary Classrooms. NY: Guilford Publications.

Guthrie, J. T., & Anderson, E. (1999). Engagement in reading: Processes of motivated, strategic, knowledgeable, social readers. In J. T. Guthrie & D. E. Alvermann (Eds.), Engagement in reading: Processes, practices, and policy implications(pp. 17-45). New York: Teachers College Press.

Referred Journal Articles -
Guthrie, J.T., Anderson, E., Alao, S. & Rinehart, J. (1999). Influences of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction on strategy use and conceptual learning from text. Elementary School Journal, 99(4), 343-366.

Guthrie, J.T., Van Meter, P., Hancock, G.R., Alao, S., Anderson, E., & McCann, A.(1998). Does concept-oriented reading instruction increase strategy use and conceptual learning from text? Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 261-278.

Guthrie, J.T, Cox, K., Anderson, E. Harris, K. Mazzoni, S., & Rach, L. (1998). Principle of integrated instruction for engagement in reading. Educational Psychology Review, 10(2), 177-199.

National Media: PBS Television Series: Reading Rockets (2002-present). A five-part literacy series commissioned by President George W. Bush in conjunction with WETA in Washington, DC and Rubin-Tarrant Production. See link at

Last Updated: 9/8/21